Leave a Gift in Your Will
Legacies are special gifts from one generation to another. By including a gift to Under Tree Schools in your will, you are helping the young people of Southern Sudan look forward to a better future.
Remembering Under Tree Schools: If you choose to include Under Tree Schools in your will, please ask your solicitor to use one of the following suggested texts:
For a share of your estate:
I give all/a share of (please state fraction/percentage) of the residue of my estate absolutely to Under Tree Schools, 11, Foinavon Close, Rowley Regis, West Midlands B65 8QB Registered Charity Number 1117679, to be applied by Under Tree Schools for its charitable purposes, and I further direct that the receipt of the Hon. Treasurer or any other proper officer of Under Tree Schools for the time being shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.
For a specific sum:
I give to Under Tree Schools, 11, Foinavon Close, Rowley Regis, West Midlands B65 8QB.Registered Charity Number 1117679, absolutely, the sum (amount in figures, amount in words) to be applied by Under Tree Schools for its charitable purposes, and I further direct that the receipt of the Hon. Treasurer or any other proper officer of Under Tree Schools for the time being shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.
For a specific item:
I give to Under Tree Schools, 2 Meredyth Road, Barnes, London SW13 0DY, Registered Charity Number 1117679, absolutely, (write in here whatever you wish to give) to be applied by Under Tree Schools for its charitable purposes, and I further direct that the receipt of the Hon. Treasurer or any other proper officer of Under Tree Schools for the time being shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.
Remembering Under Tree Schools: If you choose to include Under Tree Schools in your will, please ask your solicitor to use one of the following suggested texts:
For a share of your estate:
I give all/a share of (please state fraction/percentage) of the residue of my estate absolutely to Under Tree Schools, 11, Foinavon Close, Rowley Regis, West Midlands B65 8QB Registered Charity Number 1117679, to be applied by Under Tree Schools for its charitable purposes, and I further direct that the receipt of the Hon. Treasurer or any other proper officer of Under Tree Schools for the time being shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.
For a specific sum:
I give to Under Tree Schools, 11, Foinavon Close, Rowley Regis, West Midlands B65 8QB.Registered Charity Number 1117679, absolutely, the sum (amount in figures, amount in words) to be applied by Under Tree Schools for its charitable purposes, and I further direct that the receipt of the Hon. Treasurer or any other proper officer of Under Tree Schools for the time being shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.
For a specific item:
I give to Under Tree Schools, 2 Meredyth Road, Barnes, London SW13 0DY, Registered Charity Number 1117679, absolutely, (write in here whatever you wish to give) to be applied by Under Tree Schools for its charitable purposes, and I further direct that the receipt of the Hon. Treasurer or any other proper officer of Under Tree Schools for the time being shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.
Guide to Making a Will
Your Will is one of the most important legal documents you can make, but
it needn’t be complicated. Along with the right legal advice from your
solicitor, our easy-to-follow worksheet will help you to make sure that
your wishes are carried out. It will help you work through the steps
you should follow
- Make a list of your assets
- Make a list of the family, friends, and charities you’d like to benefit. Decide what you would like them to receive.
- Decide who will be your executors – the people who will make it happen
- If you are parents you will need to decide who will be the guardians for your children
- Choose a solicitor
- Keep your Will safe
- Review your Will on a regular basis
You can download your free copy here or contact us.
Estate The property, including money, owned by the Deceased, after any debts and/or expenses connected with his/her death have been taken into account
Beneficiaries People or organisations – for example, a charity – who benefit from a Will
Testator The person who makes the Will
Executor(s) Person(s) appointed in a Will by the testator to deal with the estate after his/her death
Guardian(s) The person(s) appointed in a Will by the testator to look after his/her children, if there is no one else with parental responsibility to do so
Residuary Legacy A share of the estate (ie. a percentage) allocated in the Will by the testator
Pecuniary Legacy A gift of money (ie. where the precise value is specifically indicated) stated in a Will
Contingent Legacy A gift that is dependent on an event that may or may not happen. For example, if the testator outlives an intended beneficiary, a gift might pass instead to a nominated charity
Beneficiaries People or organisations – for example, a charity – who benefit from a Will
Testator The person who makes the Will
Executor(s) Person(s) appointed in a Will by the testator to deal with the estate after his/her death
Guardian(s) The person(s) appointed in a Will by the testator to look after his/her children, if there is no one else with parental responsibility to do so
Residuary Legacy A share of the estate (ie. a percentage) allocated in the Will by the testator
Pecuniary Legacy A gift of money (ie. where the precise value is specifically indicated) stated in a Will
Contingent Legacy A gift that is dependent on an event that may or may not happen. For example, if the testator outlives an intended beneficiary, a gift might pass instead to a nominated charity